An Essay on Morality, Sin and the American Church

“Sin does not make us bad…it makes us dead.”-Melissa Bishop There is a fear I have for our culture. We have lost our moral compass. A compass does not tell you where you are or where you are going, in fact makes no value judgments at all and offers no advice, it just points north.Continue reading “An Essay on Morality, Sin and the American Church”

We Can’t All be a Fred Bishop but…

Does heeding a God-PING (prompting) to serve really matter? Really? I would guess only a handful of the people who will read this post have heard of Junior Axley. Let me tell you how he may have impacted your life. Junior Axley was a volunteer youth director at Sunfield Methodist church over six decades ago.Continue reading “We Can’t All be a Fred Bishop but…”

2023 Crazy Gospel Math

I sometimes get the opportunity to help pastors and congregations think about growth.  Almost all churches desire to grow, they just don’t know where to start. Here is a formula I use.  Take your sanctuary capacity; multiply it by .75 and double it.  That is your target.  I see a lot of churches in USAmerica thatContinue reading “2023 Crazy Gospel Math”

Why Christian Leaders Lead

I received two notes from highly committed parishioners. Both thanked me for effectively leading our church through “crisis.” My first thought was “which crisis?” Since 2016 or so, the church world has been in a perpetual state of crisis. The tornados keep touching down and the tornados already on the ground never seem to lift.Continue reading “Why Christian Leaders Lead”

Why Christian Leaders Lead

I received two notes from highly committed parishioners. Both thanked me for effectively leading our church through “crisis.” My first thought was “which crisis?” Since 2016 or so, the church world has been in a perpetual state of crisis. The tornados keep touching down and the tornados already on the ground never seem to lift.Continue reading “Why Christian Leaders Lead”

Strategic Reallocation of Resources (Post COVID)

Though COVID will “always be with us,” the pandemic seems largely over. It has been over for a while, the politicians and news outlets just needed another story to fill their news cycles. What that means for churches is where you presently are; is where you are going to be. No one else is comingContinue reading “Strategic Reallocation of Resources (Post COVID)”

Going “Old School!”

(The Comeback of American Sunday School)   After decades of decline, I believe Sunday School may be poised for a Post-COVID comeback.  It would be an old thing that became the latest new thing; ecclesiastical Chuck Taylor Converse All-Stars.  Mind you, this would not be a “cut and paste” of Sunday School circa 1970, butContinue reading “Going “Old School!””

Leading in Perpetual Crisis (10 Keys)

I received two notes yesterday from highly committed parishioners.  Both thanked me for effectively leading the church through “crisis.”  My first thought was “which crisis?”  Since 2016 or so, the church world has been in a perpetual state of crisis.  The tornados keep touching down and the tornados already on the ground never seem toContinue reading “Leading in Perpetual Crisis (10 Keys)”